You’re a high-performing entrepreneur struggling with the book writing process.
You have some version of a draft written or a BOOK idea in your head.
You want to find the CONFIDENCE to tell your story and you want to have the AUDACITY to bring your voice to LIFE!

Nothing says “expert” more than the word Author after your name.
You are an EXPERT, an EDUCATOR, and an INFLUENCER.
Your WORDS make an emotional impact on your audience, engaging them, inviting them in for a conversation, cultivating a connection; motivating and inspiring them to make a change.
But writing is HARD!
From knowing how to start to staying motivated, to writing and completing your manuscript – it can all feel unattainable.
I will teach you how to ELIMINATE the feelings of overwhelm and frustration to EMBRACE the power of your words, meeting your audience where they need you the most.
Private consulting is the best way to gain momentum in writing your BOOK.
You know that sharing your voice with your audience will enhance your brand, create authentic connections, and organically grow your business exponentially.
But you can’t seem to shake the FEAR and OVERWHELM that continues to keep you STUCK!
You feel EMBARRASSED and FRUSTRATED when it comes to your writing, so you simply don’t do it.
Let’s shake your FRUSTRATION and write your BOOK!
- Eliminate your overwhelm and find confidence in your writing
- Remove your procrastination & perfectionism
- Find the audacity to write your book bravely & fearlessly

What good is your story if you're too scared to share it with the world?

Your story is what makes you unique – your expertise, your knowledge, and your perspective – it’s what differentiates you from others in your industry, and cultivates connections and trust.
Communicating your story demonstrates your relatability and humanizes your message.
We’ll dive into your story to understand your writing journey thus far and your goals moving forward.
We’ll define the objective for your book, your reasons for writing your story, your audience, and we’ll explore what’s been holding you back from sharing your beautiful voice with the world.
Your FEAR is normal and very REAL.
Fear’s job is to keep you safe with your self-imposed doubt, imposter syndrome, and anxiety about writing your book. It can leave you feeling like you can’t think straight or write thoughtful and impactful content.
We’ll get behind the stuck that keeps dragging you down, the feeling of frustration that you can’t seem to shake, and the negative self-talk that creeps in unexpectedly.
We’ll remove your hesitation, your procrastination, and your head trash, and transform your fear and frustration into courage, confidence, and empowerment.

You’ll be writing every step of the way!
This is your time to transform your story idea into your book to share with the world.
I’ll be with you along your journey to review and edit your writing, providing you with feedback and guidance to keep you inspired to write fearlessly.
We’ll uncover your unique voice, your tone, your authenticity, and your drive toward writing your book.
You’ll know what’s working, what’s not, and how to improve your writing to ensure you write your very best book in your authentic voice.
After all of the brainstorming, the planning, eliminating your frustrations; writing, editing, and the push to complete your story, you will finally have a completed first DRAFT of your own BOOK!
You can decide to move forward and publish your book on your own, or we can work together to publish your book and share your beautiful VOICE with the world!

- 12 Weeks of EXCLUSIVE Private Consulting & Writing Guidance
- Weekly Zoom sessions where you’ll receive targeted coaching and guidance to ensure you’re writing your very best book
- Structure to write your book, timelines, and accountability to keep you on track to meet your writing goals
- Editorial review of your writing throughout the entire process
- Email support along your journey to break through your stuck when you need it, ask questions, or just brainstorm your ideas
- Motivation and inspiration to help you accomplish writing the first DRAFT of your manuscript
My process is very personalized to fit your book-writing goals. I am your partner, your advocate, and your mentor, ensuring the process of writing your book is easy and fulfilling for you.
*I only take a small number of clients to ensure you receive the most customized experience to write your best book.